Monday, 5 April 2010

Matt Huynh

A few months ago (or was it last month ...) Amelia and I had a good look at the recent Risographica show at Lamington Drive on George St. As a poor, unemployed student, and as tempting as the prints were on the opening night, I couldn't justify/afford purchasing one. I found myself thinking about a few of the prints over the next week or so and as Oscar Wilde puts it, "the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it." So I did -- Matt Huynh's Matador

There is something so beautiful about the calligraphy of the bull and pencil strokes of the matador. Such confident lines on the paper. (Oh, and a certain Amelia also found it absolutely necessary to own this amazing print!)

Matt Huynh is creates comics and is also a very talented illustrator. I think what I enjoy most about his body of work is that he doesn't adhere to a particular style. Instead his drawings reflect its purpose, story and would only work in the context it was created for. 

His drawings (subject, media, context ...) are as diverse as his clients - who range from Wollongong City Council to Incu Clothing to the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney. From his drawings you can feel the true passion and love for what he does, which is always so lovely to see. Aaaand, from all the international awards and scholarships, it is clear that Mr. Huynh is not only talented but also a hardworker.

I just looove the technical drawings (above) for Fisher and Paykel. They transform the mundane appliances into something rather engaging, and pleasing to the eyes. So I leave you with a cool video by Matt:

Matt Huynh, Creative Sydney Time Lapse from stikman on Vimeo.

Images from Jacky Winter and Matt Huynh.

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