Thursday, 1 April 2010

Kumi Yamashita

One of my daily design blogreads is yellowtrace - do have a look, it is fabulous and inspirational. The name of the blog itself makes me feel all fuzzy inside, yellow trace becomes your best friend during design - a platform to develop and improve ideas and designs. It is so smooth and works brilliantly with so many media ... my favourites include my Uni pin finelines, Artlines and Copics. My point is ......

Phwoar!!! It is rare nowadays (although the creative types are just everywhere!!) to find something absolutely jaw-droppingly amazing -- but look what I came across today while on yellowtrace. These are the work of Japanese artist Kumi Yamashita. Simple concept with ultra intelligent and manipulative use of lighting.

The one above is a permanent display at the Akiru Municipal Medical Centre in Tokyo. Yes, yes, yes please.

All images from Kumi Yamashita's site.


  1. You're back! And yes, this is amazing!

  2. PS Did you watch the japanese gameshow-esque video at hte original post? We were nearly wetting ourselves laughing. Well worth waiting for it to load.

  3. I just watched it hahaha, gota love Japanese game shows - outraaageous!




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